Inspired by the city in which I currently reside I decided to take a desk I had got for cheap on craigslist and upcycle it to use in my craft room. As many of you will know the Chicago flag is two light blue lines and four red stars sat on a cream background. Although I used the flag as inspiration this technique could be used on many items, a wooden sign for your wall or a kitchen table perhaps. Anyway, here's what you are going to need:
- Paintbrush
- Masking tape
- Scalpel or precision knife
- Ruler
- Cut out stars x 4
- Light blue paint
- Cream paint
- Red paint
- Sandpaper (optional)
Step one: You need to cut out your paper star templates and prep your surface. I sanded down the desk to remove the previous layer and smooth out the desktop.
Step two: Paint the desk light blue and allow it to dry
Step three: Using the masking tape make two lines across the desk, paint the space in between cream and allow it to dry
Step four: Now this will take a bit of maths but persevere with it. Using your ruler measure out the length of your desk, divide this number by four and make three little marks with a pencil. For example if the desk is 120cm long, you would make marks at 30cm, 60cm, 90cm. This should give you four sections for your stars to sit.
Step five: In order to centre each star divide each section by two. For example 30cm / 2 = 15cm. At this point place the tip of the star and use the masking tape to hold it down. Repeat for the other three stars.
Step six: Now for the fiddly bit. Using the masking tape make outlines of the stars, make sure each piece of tape crosses the other to prevent the paint from leaking and creating blurred lines. This process will take the most time.
Step seven: Now your stars have an outline remove the paper star and disgard. Using the scalpel trim any bits of masking tape so the inner lines are straight and clean. Don't press to hard though otherwise you will leave indentations.
Step eight: Get that paintbrush out again and fill in the stars with red, then wait for the paint to dry thoroughly
Step nine: Once the paint is dry slowly peel back the masking tape to reveal the stars underneath
Step ten: Depending on the look you are going for, use the sandpaper to give a shabby chic effect and cover up any wonky lines
Step eleven: I finished my desk off with a spray of clear acrylic adhesive just to seal and waterproof the surface- I'm bound to spill a cup of tea on there at some point!
And there you have it, a Chicago flag themed desk, upcycled in no time!!
If any of you give this a go, share your project pictures with me, I'd love to see your creations!
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